Monday, December 22, 2008

December 22

I thought of an idea over time that would help less fortunate families this Christmas. In my neighborhood i am going to set up three boxes. One box will be for clothes/ coats, one box will be for food and one box will be for toys for children. I am going to do a bakesale and sell goodies for money to help. I thought that this Christmas i would rather give more than recive a lot of gifts that other kids and familes can not get.


Friday, December 19, 2008

December 19

Hello I am sooo sorry i have not been on and i feel so guilty! There are a few things that I want to do this season for those that are less fortunate than others. My mom worked with this girl in a program called Mayors 100 Teens. This program helps kids who have gone above and beyond their goals or overcome challenging obsticals in their life time. This girl was diagnosed with cancer and she started recovering and getting better. Not to long ago the cancer came back and things do not look so good for her. She found this treatment that may help her get better and we are doing a basketball fundraiser to help her with the treatment. Also as a good deed around this season i want to do something to help those less fortunate than others have a wonderful holiday. I am colecting coats, food, toys for children that cant afford toys and much more. This season is a time for giving and not taking things for granted and i want every one to do something for someone less fortunate.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December 3

Today as a good deed i went out and bought caned goods for our food drive at our school. Our social studies teacher told our class that there were children all over the world as well as adults. 7.7 million people suffer from poverty every day and that number is only going to increase. Every one can make a difference by trying to stop hunger just in your neighbor hood. You can work at a soup kitchen or donate food to a local shelter. People take to many things for granted and they dont think about the less fourtunate people around them. Do what you can to feed more people around you. Every little bit helps!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2

Today as a good deed I made my parents bed. Today is their anniversary and so i thought i would help them out by making their day better and making them happy. They will be happy that i made the effort to do a little deed for them and showing them i care.

December 1

Today I made dinner for my mom. Even though it is a very little thing it also helps her out so she dosent have to worry about the stress of making dinner for my sister and I. She had a meeting tonight any way so making dinner is one less thing for her to worry about. Little things can help in every way.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hey whats up its Gabby. For every day of December I am going to do something to make a difference as an individual and with my classmates. This task can be as simple as picking up the trash around the school or something like doing a coat drive like we are doing this week. I like making a difference in the community and im glad i can help.